The West Australian Biogeochemistry Centre


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  • Search the UWA Research Repository

We are engaged in multidisciplinary research in ways that stable isotopes can be applied to questions in ecology, biogeochemistry, organic geochemistry, hydrogeology and palaeoclimate studies.

Our research is focussed on the ecological sustainability of natural ecosystems and their response to disturbance and environmental change. We have extensive experience in the application of stable isotopes to research in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems; plant and animal ecology and physiology; soil and sediment chemistry; palaeoclimates and groundwater-surface water interactions.

We research:

You can also view a list of our publications and our postgraduate research profiles.

Collaborators and related organisations

We collaborate with other organisations and individuals who conduct research related to our field


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Last updated:
Friday, 2 October, 2020 4:09 PM