The Centre is well equipped for stable isotope studies and offers a range of analytical and interpretive services to researchers both within UWA and in the broader scientific community.
We use the following instrumentation:
- SerCon Elemental Analyser (Gas Solid / Liquid Preparation Unit)
- Coupled with a 20-22 Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (Sercon, Crewe/ UK) δ13C, δ15N, δ34S, C%, N%, S% in natural solid samples (plants, soils and animal tissues) and precipitated or extracted sulphates and sulphites (for example, from water samples).
- Picarro Cavity Ring-down Spectrometer L2130-i
With ChemCorrect software δ2H and δ18O of liquid and vapour water samples.
- Picarro Cavity Ring-down Spectrometer L2140-i
- With ChemCorrect software and microcombustion unit - high resolution δ2H, δ18O and δ17O of liquid and vapour water samples.
- Delta XL Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (Thermo/Germany) connected with:
- GasBench II (GB) δ13C and δ18O in carbonates, δ13C in DIC (Dissolved Inorganic Carbon), δ13C in CO2
- Thermal Conversion /Elemental Analyser (TC/EA) δ18O in organic materials, phosphates, sulphates and nitrates.
- Delta V Plus Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer (Thermo /Germany) connected with:
- Thermo Elemental Analyser Flush 1112 via Conflo IV δ13C, δ15N, C%, N%, in natural solid samples (plants, soils and animal tissues) and precipitated or extracted sugars, cellulose, nitrates and other compounds.
- Finnigan LC-IsoLink δ13C in DOC (Dissolved Organic Carbon) in water extracts and pre-concentrated water samples.
- HORIBA Aqualog Fluorometer
- Combined UV/Vis spectrometer and Fluorometer allowing rapid simultaneous measurement of both absorbance spectra and fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrices.
-Specifically designed for natural organic matter analysis
-Wavelength range: Ex = 200 - 800nm, Em = 250 - 800nm
-Software support with Eigenvector SOLO package for in-house component decomposition by PARAFAC analysis. Direct EEM export to MATLAB toolkits DOMFluor and DrEEM - Additional major devices and equipment
- Ball mills for sample grinding and homogenisation.
- Freeze-dryer: Virtis Benchtop 2K.
- Microbalances: Sartorius MC210S (0.01mg) Mettler Toledo X6T (0.001 mg).
- Vacuum line for cryogenic extraction of water from soil and plant samples.
- Equilibration method for analysis of water from soils and small biological samples.
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